Contacting Jeff

Does anyone know how to contact Jeff directly by email?


La Marina

Apparently he does have a way Tina,But if you try it it will not reach him as he apperently has something that stops dodgy messages,and to Jeff I believe every message to him is dodgy

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-09 14:30:20 UTC

Well maybe I will post my question here

I have just read his blog about the bars that has just been added and commented on this forum about.

I see by his blog that he writes more than once about what is being said on this forum, some of it right but a lot wrong.

My question is why does he not get behind this site and use it to help him and the people of the area?

why try to work against it all the time? I think in the long run this site and others like it will be the making or breaking of those who want to stay or get into power


Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-11-09 14:55:44 UTC

It is indeed a great shame that Jeff is not a lot more upfront with the people. I can understand his not wanting to get into a one to one battle with posters on every subject, but this attitude that we out here do not exist is really rather insulting.

Commented Hope in La Marina 2012-11-09 15:09:33 UTC

Hope,I had the exact same thoughts as you,When Jeff said he would not answer anymore questions on A Spanish Life,I thought that at times when he did he was answering the same things over and over again,But he did say he had no objections to what he wrote on his blog being transferred to this Forum.
Unfortunately since then the answers he gives starts me thinking that someone is pyulling his strings,unfortunately I am now pretty sure someone is pulling his strings and that someone will get rid of him when he is of no further use to them

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-09 15:17:37 UTC

Tina I often finds self disagreeing on so much stuff when it comes down to your post but, this occasion you are so so correct.
I speak to lots of older people that you would not expect to even understand the use or using the forum but most people in La Marina read this forum. May not comment but they read it, they have no idea about his blog and so on.
Remember he has a blog they he can sit and control, on this forum he can't control any replies of any sorts and I think this site would be bombarded with people turning against him.
My honest opinion is this, he knows he stands no chance at the next election, if the PIPN party runs with a new leader at the next election people won't pay attention to a single word he / she may say because of how Jeff has conducted himself regarding the PIPN. So to any of his assistants that maybe planning to step into his shoes after the next 3 years good luck because you have no chance.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-09 15:23:32 UTC

Some one has to be the fall guy but at least he gets to have the status of being a cu* liar and saying one thing but meaning another to keep everyone happy

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-11-09 15:24:12 UTC

I think you can go to his office and make an appointment to see him.
It is next to the small Council Office in the little road next to Super Valu on the top strip.

His office will also give you his blog address and you can sign up to see what is happening.

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2012-11-09 16:54:43 UTC

Thanks for that John
But he is not important enough for me to go to such an effort when I can get all the answers I need on this website

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-11-09 17:29:04 UTC