Mark Lewis Joins new political party, in time for this years election

Sometimes something I read looks so funny, today is no exception, I have just glanced at La Marina Info. web site and have read that someone called Mark Lewis has apparently joined a new political party,called the Agrupacion Party, He is calling for all ex- pats to vote for the AP , who apparently support among other things openness. I cant possibly complete everything else his Party stands for, I trust you will read them somewhere or the other in coming weeks. He states that the La Marina Info. is backing the AP (so much for openness, Mark Lewis is the La Marina Info, but he constantly fails to mention this)

La Marina


This make sour reading, isn't AP the same party that Mark Lewis ran with four years ago along with Mariano, the same party that Mariano was in charge of when found guilty of corruption? (though I know the corruption charge was on Mariano alone)
Clearly Mark Lewis doesn't feel that corruption is that big of a deal, it's ridiculous and simply incorrigible that he is still running with the same party and honestly expecting people to believe in him and vote for him.

Commented electioncampaign in La Marina 2015-04-08 16:49:15 UTC

I thought that calling it a new party might call Mark to answer, (under his openness pledge) as the new banner for the party he is running gives a large AP sign, followed by a smaller SFU underneath,so it is hard to work out if it is an old name resurrected, or the current title but split up (If it is Openness you believe in,)is the name change slightly different but the people involved mainly the same, Would like Mark to explain, but gather more chance of watching grass grow. The sad thing is I believe that Mark is one of the few politicians I trust ,If you could get him to answer a question, Its just that he would find a reason not to answer. I think he just isn't careful whom he trusts to join with him,(this current problem is not the first problem he has encountered, but each time absolutely no blame for crookedness was attached to him.
This is the reason, that I keep harping on about voting in May, People need to trust and believe in the people that are in power, without that we have nothing,I really do get fed up with hearing about crooked politicians, but surely lets give power to those we can trust to be honest and sincere.
My opinion as usual,and heart felt

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-04-08 17:24:47 UTC

After reading your comment i had to think about this reply. i believe you're right in what you say but unfortunately i lost my respect for Mark when he publicly attacked another charity for feeding people less fortunate than us, that for me wasn't a political attack but a personal one and opened my eyes to the kind of person I believe Mark to be.
My question to you Alan is, with Mark running two charity shops and having animals in the charity's care how will he have enough time to properly devote to the people of La Marina.
What i also believe isn't being said enough is that you're not voting for a single person but a party. Officially my vote will be given to Samantha now (PIPN). So far there are many reasons to vote for them and not many against.

Commented electioncampaign in La Marina 2015-04-08 19:57:05 UTC

I put the piece in about Mark and his perceived honesty, I felt it was the truth, What I didn't say was that personally I would not vote for his party, because I think he is a poor deluded man, who took a knock back by the PIPN candidate four years ago like a child who dropped his lollipop in the mud. In that time jeff had a chance of joining APSFU and others and Mark would of had a proper job for four years, unfortunately for him Jeff joined in with PP and that denied Mark anything. Marks retaliation has been a personal vendetta against Jeff for the last four years. So Marks childish behavior meant he spent too much of his time finding mud to throw at jeff and not enough time in keeping in touch with everyday problems on the Urb. It actually seems that you and myself think exactly the same things,in that Marks condemnation was in the worst of bad taste, when he had a pop at the AAN, that was the final straw for me, but it did follow the line of anti Jeff rhetoric that Mark has used in the past, As it was Jeff that started the helping the needy a few years ago, and in doing so led to the AAN charity shop and thankfully to Paulind and her wonderful helpers who donate many thousands of Euros of food to help the poor and destitute of San Fulgencio and the Urbs. Again another thank you to that Charity and others on the Urb whose workers do so much for different reasons, (in my opinion ,one of the reasons to be proud that I live on the Urbs)
I seem to of waffled on a bit but I will close with a quick, Yes, I think I will be voting for PIPN, and again although I have more belief in Jeff than I have had in the past, more importantly we need someone as good as Samantha as his second in command, and to get that with less Councellors this time, We need the PIPN to get more votes, To get that to happen we need everybody who can vote to actually go and vote, please just use your vote to help La Marina Urbs and its residents.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-04-09 07:55:50 UTC

I sent an e-mail to Mark recently (after starting this link about his new party).
I received a reply from him, in which he stated that he had been a member of AP for eight years, ( I am under the impression that eight years ago he was a member of AIM, until some problem occurred with his leader, which caused a split and Mark left AIM. Surely I didn't dream this up. It may well of been after this he joined or started AP, for the last four years the name of this group must of changed to APSFU,as everything on his web-site (forum) to do with council business and in which his party had some input referred to APSFU.
In the last few weeks and since some dodgy dealings in which some several people have been given prison sentences, Mark has put a new page on his web-site regarding his political party, except he only mentions AP, and that he had been a member of this party for eight years.
Until this point I have always stated that Mark had never had to lie and although two different lots of skullduggery had occurred in parties he was attached to ,nothing has ever involved him. Now it seems that he has a bit of forgetfulness as to what party he belonged to and when.
Can someone please put me straight, If I have got some of this wrong

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-04-12 10:32:52 UTC


With lots of looking back, lots of research, i believe you have now caught Mark lying.
He joined this party in 2011, not 2007.
I think nothing more needs to be mentioned on this issue, his now a proven liar.

Commented electioncampaign in La Marina 2015-04-13 20:35:36 UTC


Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-04-15 11:14:02 UTC