Does anyone know if'Killkenny' hire cars are still trading

Hello All, A few months ago I asked of anyone could recommend a car hire company and I was given the number of a lovely gentleman called Ken Austin who was 'KillKenny' car hie. We made the booking but he didn't want a deposit and I have emailed since and had replies but I cannot now get hold of him - he hasn't replied to my emails and his telephone number is not recognised. PLEASE if anyone knows him or knows is he is no longer trading please can you let me know as we are arriving next Monday and there are 11 of us and we need transport. I really would appreciate any feedback as if I have to make alternative arrangements I have very little time... we need a car and transporter. Thank you in advance.. at this stage any news is a bonus!

La Marina

Hello again... just spoken to Ken and it seems all is well! Sorry for bombarding the forum with posts - it was really strange how I couldn't get hold of him and I was concerned not only for the booking but the man himself. Life is precious and can change in a second. looking forward to next week to sunshine and lovely surrounds. Today is more like November than July dark grey clouds and a cold wind... typical UK weather... sunshine, bikinis and blue skies one day then grey, duffle coats and bleak the next!!! Thanks again!

Commented bevnash in La Marina 2014-07-14 12:25:07 UTC

Hi Bevnash
Hope all goes well with your transport next week, As for the weather can almost certainly guarantee plenty of sunshine for you all, Temperatures are on the rise this week and should touch about 100 Fah. by the weekend, So it will be hot for you as well.
Hope you have a great time over here, and get back to the U.K. fully charged.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-07-14 13:13:47 UTC