I have been informed by Jeff (the councillor), that there are people out & about for the next 2 weeks checking on all dog walkers, to ensure that the have the San Fulgencio tags on. If you do not have the tag on your dog(s) you will be fined. If you are like me I have only half registered my dogs. I do not agree to pay for tags when my dogs are micro chipped, therefore I have to carry all the paper with me regards the micro chip. The town hall must be very short of money, as I have recevied telephone calls & registed letter from san Fulgencio town hall. This must have cost then more money. Jeff also statee the town hall are not short of money.

La Marina

I believe the checking for tags,started at least a week ago,but I know of someone who was stopped by the police and was advised to get them tagged.prior to this jeff had gone on record to say a check on animal behaviour would start,and at first it would be advise to owners ,and then penalties.
I do not entirely agree with tags and chips being needed,but I understand the reasons.Also the tags would get more lost dogs reunited with their owners,almost immediately,so The cost of tags could be partly off set by the 130euros the council are alleged to be paying to a supposed dog rescue centre to collect them from la marina

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-11-08 12:50:07 UTC

Hi Susan, we've had Goggie tagged even though she's been chipped. She isn't allowed out on her own but she's terrified of loud noises and I'm frightened she could panic so much that she could run away. She is a rescue dog who I adopted on the 4th November, 6 years ago, after she'd been in a shelter for a year. Anything that keeps her safe is worth it to me x

Commented mazza in La Marina 2011-11-08 13:07:00 UTC

My dogs are not allowed out with me or my husband. they are kept in doors until one of us taken them out. Why pay for micro chips??? The town hall have my dogs micro chip No., telephone no. & address. Also the town hall have a micro chip scanner, therefore why do I have to pay more.

Commented susan in La Marina 2011-11-08 13:14:08 UTC

Hi Susan
Your thinking is perfectly correct´.
The address and telephone number is on the chip,and always will be,the police can easily get a scanner,
The problem occurs is when you move addresses or change your telephone number.As I read it,the police will scan any lost dog,they will then phone the number on the chip,if they cannot contact that person,the dog will be regarded as a stray,and arrangements for it to be taken away will begin.If your dog has a tag,it is easy to change the details by getting a new tag with updated information,
When this scheme first started I believe those who tagged their dogs were charged about three euros,after the trial period the tag price increased
about five fold.I am not a dog owner,I am an animal lover,and if there was a way to stop my dog being put in the centre which this and forty other councils use,I would pay for the tag,I would also want the council to explain how much they save by using the tag method,as each dog returned to its owner saves the council 130 euros.
Yet again it is possible i have got some of this information wrong and rely on jeff to correct me

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-11-08 13:38:39 UTC