
This urbanisation will soon be knee deep in dogs mess unless something is done to rectify the situation. Judging by the amount of poo around every tree, on the roads, pavements and gravelled areas, I would say at least 75% of dog owners do not pick up after their dog. Dog owners should be ashamed of how they are downgrading this urbanisation, by turning into one huge dogs toilet. Have these people not got a concience or any pride in where they live?
The UK used to be the same until it became socially unacceptable not to pick up after your dog and now the situation is vastly improved.
So please dog owners pick up after your dog and take some pride in the place; make life better for us all and La Marina a place that we can be proud to live in. Written by Salty Dog

I agree with Salty Dog,La Marina,has become a good place for doge to foul anything and everything,without the owners having to collect it and dispose of if properly.Having read Jeffs blog in which he says letting petty laws go unpunished leads to anarchy and ghettos.I will repeat my question that I have asked before and that is, How many dog owners have been fined for leaving dog crap where there dog left it.I am guessing very few if any.
For those who ask why dont I speak to Jeff face to face,the answer is I used to but he once went on this forum and stated what i had put on this forum after talking to him was a blatant lie,I have no need to lie,so anything to do with politics,I will put the question on a forum and Jeff can answer the same way.If he wishes to.If he dosnt want to I know he has my phone number he can use it.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-02-07 09:34:00 UTC