Three German Shepherd Puppies

After speaking with Caroline (the lady who found the 3 puppies) this afternoon (Friday 8th June), she told me that at no time during her dealings with K9 was she offered the €100 euros that Impact Charity donated for these specific dogs, nor was she ever told that this money would be held by them for the next six months in case it was needed.

I myself was only told that the money was being held for 6 months in case it was needed on the evening of Tuesday 5th June by the president of K9 after she phoned me personally. When the money was handed over its was expressed that this was specifically for these 3 puppies, the K9 president did not mention any arrangement at the time.

I have been reading the posts regarding this matter and I felt it best not to comment until I had spoken to this lady myself. I will not be commenting on anyone's opinion as I did not want to post this on here, however, this all has to stop. Charities are suffering enough without the constant slamming by everyone. This will result in hurting every charity on the Urb not just the ones being mentioned on the forum.

We will be making arrangements to collect this donation back from K9 and I will not be responding to any comments regarding this as it will be dealt with through Impact Charity's solicitor


hello this is your friendly wsue here, Interesting your comments about charities on the urbanisation and could not agree more , however i believe it is your son who is doing most of the stirring. If you had read the post from K9 they had stated quite clearly that they dealt with a lady called Cynthia. you are quick to talk to this Caroline but have you actually asked K9 about Caroline. Also you gave the 100 euros voluntarily to K9 and they have said that this money has been put aside for these dogs again this was apparently explained to this Cynthia. Why does K9 have to explain this to you ? The only time K9 need to get in touch with you is after the 6 months to return the money to you as you have said in your previous post.
To be honest Impact Charity's role in this does not appear very favourable. There was nothing stopping Impact Charity contacting K9 after they announced that all puppies had been homed on May 4th to find out about this 100 euros .
Again there seems to be a few people who are determined to bring K9 down and if you refer back a number of years this was clear even then, often being lead by your son for example when K9 received a vehicle from the Town hall.
Also when K9 advertised their appeal it was for German sheperd TYPE puppies, some thing to consider.


Commented wsue055 in La Marina 2012-06-09 13:15:55 UTC

Interesting comment. Stir things I wouldnt say so. I had a issue with the animal rescue be chile being used to pick up furniture, the fact is that rescuer vehicle is tax payers money and it was being used for picking up furniture. I think that was a fair comment by me. As for these puppy's well, give me your email I'm sure Caroline will be happy to tell you the exact same thing regarding these dogs, or are you to afraid to here the truth.
K9 was run a million times better with Brenda, Pauline, Peter and that committee.
As for anything else, myopathy is shut untill it's over with.
Just to show you something, I'm sure of you go on K9s website I think you will still find there advertising these dogs for a home or temp care. So make sure you have the true facts sue. No where on there website does it explain these dogs were homed.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-09 13:23:57 UTC

Andi, you clearly have a very poor memory, in fact you were the one who stirred things over the use of the vehicle when Brenda and Pauline etc, were on the committee plus it was you who stirred things through this forum when they all resigned by questioning how they handled the money . What you do not realise is the effect all your stirring has on Impact Charity. You plus this Sandra Whitehead are both in my opinion need to get your facts straight, you are both two of a kind.
I notice you have not answered my question regards talking to k9, . As soon as this Sandra started stirring things, through this forum, the correct thing to do would have been for Impact Charity to have contacted K9 to discuss the issues rather than join her in stirring things. But clearly you have never done this.


Commented wsue055 in La Marina 2012-06-10 09:23:58 UTC


Commented Patricia in La Marina 2012-06-10 09:26:27 UTC


Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-10 09:33:06 UTC


Totally agree. Yawn.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-10 09:35:06 UTC

Steve. You need to regulate this site. It's being used too much for political stances. I believe the rest of us are getting bored with all the in fighting.
Should there now be a place for these people to air and debate their differences?.
I believe we now need a forum where accusations are made so that people can answer.
I'm totally bored by the innuendos and semi accusations. Let's bring it all out into the open and then change the subject. I'm bored, bored bored bored with it all. Let's have the truth so we can make a judgement

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-06-10 16:09:20 UTC

How about this, I give you the lady's number she will be more than willing to tell you and confirm to you the truth or, I'd even give the number to Steve I speak to the lady let her know this is causing a problem I think she would be more than willing to tell you.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-06-10 16:30:56 UTC