spraying the blighters

Could anybody tell me exactly where Jeff's office is on the Urb and what days/time he is likely to be there. He had said in his blog that if anybody had specific problems with the cockroaches etc he may be able to arrange to have the drains done in their area sooner. For the first time in 5 years I've had a live cockroach in the bathroom..yuk..couldn't sleep afterwards as I really have a phobia about crawling thingys...give me loud music any day of the week rather than those runners. Be grateful for information on where I can talk to Jeff as a few of my neighbours have seen them too. Thanks in advance.

Office is up on the main strip next but one to the private clinic in C/ Madrid sideways on to the Supermarket. We are usually lucky and catch him around 10.00 am, but I think he is there up to about 1.00 . We asked them to spray our area for Mosquito’s a couple of weeks ago and they were out here spraying within a couple of days.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-07-04 13:31:03 UTC

negotiator, for the first time in 5 years we had a VERY LARGE VERY FIT COCKROACH. Before when we've had them in the garden or the house they are almost dead. This bugger wasn't it ran like the wind. We spent all day spraying the outside then spraying under all the furniture inside. I am terrified of them even when they're dead. I think Oasis is being very neglected this year. Hopefully Jeff will help

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-07-04 17:25:22 UTC

Thank you Ian I will call in to him tomorrow. Mazza I've spent the day cockroach hunting and sprayed everywhere not seen any more thankfully

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-07-04 18:44:21 UTC


The way to see if you have Cockroaches is to put a Cabbage in the middle of the room and turn off the lights and wait for the noise of the buggers eating.

Tip was a Chef friend of mine who worked in the Roof Top Gardens in Kensington central London
to see if you had them.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-07-04 18:54:56 UTC

Grant, thanks for the tip. I was married to a chef for over 35 years and his advice was keep the place clean but if that doesn't work get in the proffessionals. I think if we get sprayed and all keep up our own spraying we should be OK

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-07-04 19:44:31 UTC

Hi negotiator u said for the 1st time in 5 years u had a 'live' cockroach just wondering have u had dead ones before???

Commented kellsbells in La Marina 2012-07-05 16:48:08 UTC

you are lucky last year was not too bad but the previous year when we were out in August we had several..one was actually on my pillow!!!!

Commented Wendy in La Marina 2012-07-05 17:03:32 UTC

They were all alive and running like mad

Commented Wendy in La Marina 2012-07-05 17:04:21 UTC

and I can assure you I am very very clean

Commented Wendy in La Marina 2012-07-05 17:05:44 UTC

kellsbells no not many dead ones really in fact to be honest just 2 however that is 3 cockroaches too many and nevertheless dead or alive I don't want them moving in here thank you...do you hear me Jeff!! Spray Oasis drains as a matter of urgency!

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-07-06 14:08:15 UTC

i live in area between satellite roundabout and international super market we've had loads of cockroaches the last couple of weeks last night i had them in kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, porch and terrace 7 in total in one night my friend had 5 on his terrace we spray with the yearly spray have stoppers in sinks put food away all the usual things. i thought they were going to spray at the end of June i've seen marks on some grates at bottom of urb where they've been but things have now come to a stand still. can any one say if they will be starting to spray again .

Commented linda in La Marina 2012-07-06 23:23:22 UTC

linda I do hope so, I was out tonight near where you live actually and omg I saw loads of the buggers. At least with the last council they did spray regularly and we never had this...came home to another cockroach thankfully on it's back and dead surely this is a health hazard if the council are trying to save money pls can they save on other things we seem to be infested this year

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-07-07 00:54:20 UTC

Hi, We used to have a minor problem with them indoors (4 or 5 a year), so we bought a device that you plug-in to an electrical socket and it sends signals around your electrical system, which is supposed to keep them at bay. Since we did this (about 2 years ago) we have had possibly only 1 or 2, so it seems to work. From memory they cost about 9€ and you should be able to buy them from any Ferreteria or the household stall in the British Indoor Market.

Commented Peter in La Marina 2012-07-07 07:45:22 UTC

i've lived here for over 5 years and this is the worse year yet i hope the council spray soon its no good spraying half the urb

Commented linda in La Marina 2012-07-07 09:44:53 UTC

Can anyone advise on an effective cockroach spray? I have brought many different ones and some are completley ineffective! I have also tried the 'plug ins' and the cockroaches walk stright by!! thanks

Commented karenturner1210 in La Marina 2012-07-07 15:22:22 UTC

I've got the spray from Mercadona Cruz Verde CUCAL. It claims to kill in seconds and does all gthe species of cockroaches apparently - it is quite good I find and is supposed to last for a few months. I don't take the chance and spray everywhere each week just in case but then I am paranoid about them as they really make me creep just the thought of them..try it I think it's good.

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2012-07-07 16:43:45 UTC

you can get one from super value make sure it says uno ano on it [1 year] it costs about 5.99 but it starts to kill them as soon as they go on it

Commented linda in La Marina 2012-07-07 22:25:37 UTC