
After just speaking to Joan at the Impact Charity shop I'm afraid to say the music for the Xmas Fayre at the shop has been cancelled.
Money raised from this Fayre was to be donated to EMAUS children's home and food to be purchased for the needy.
So now there will be NO entertainment.
I'm just going to add this to who ever complained to the town hall, well done, no donations to EMAUS or Caritas ect ect.
So here is what I'm going to do. I hear any music coming from any bars, I'm ringing the police and complaining I don't care if there's a fundraiser going on or not.

La Marina

Andi - I think you have missed the work NO out of your sentence

So now there will be entertainment.

Or am I going mad???????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-11-12 11:29:48 UTC

As you have gone that far I think in fairness that you should put up the FULL story of this situation.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-11-12 11:32:20 UTC

We want to hear music coming from the bars, so that seems a very pointless exercise to me if you are going to phone the police !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-11-12 11:40:06 UTC


A complaint was made regarding the entertainment at the shop for the Xmas Fayre on Friday gone.
Paulino visited the shop this morning to inform is about the complaint and that can we please not have the live music.
No names were passed on but that's What was said. This is after after the application had been put in and signed off by the Mayor and returned to the shop last week.
That is all that's been said so that's the full story Ian. I'm sure there wiil be a different story circulating.
Everyone wants the music, and so on. How the hell can someone complain about having a bit of live music from 12 to 4pm in the afternoon on a Saturday.
Well like I said Caritas, Cruz Rojal, Food For the Needy and EMAUS will be affected by this because not a lot of donations will be handed out, food ect ect

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-12 12:06:43 UTC

Andi,please read your coment before posting - is there or isn't there going to be entertainment? As regards going to the police at the sound of any music what an abso;utely childish reaction. Grow up!! It is your type of reaction that is killing this urb. Many of us came to Spain to enjoy life, people like you are killing the dream and killing off the pubs, which in the end will kill off the urb. Is that what you really want?!!!

Commented Salty Dog in La Marina 2012-11-12 12:07:53 UTC


Childish behaviour, you tell that to the people who need food and the kid who were coming down from the orphanage that money raised from the entertainment and drinks were going to them. As Amsterdam bar were kindly donating €1 euro from each drink.

You know what I will apologise for what I said about calling the police because then I'm just lowering myself to who ever has made the complaint.
I will say thought well done on the impact you will have when the donantions will be a lot lower for all the needy and EMAUS as the entertainment has been cancelled


Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-12 12:21:54 UTC

My personal opinion is that this is a form of Fascism where one person on there say so can dictate to all. Changes in my opinion are way over due on this type of archaic carry on. Old fashioned ways of carrying on like this are making Spain look a little Stupid.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-11-12 12:38:36 UTC

It shows how pathetic this Council has become.
I have my own thought,that the complainer does not exist,but is put about by the Council to make everybody think it must of had a complaint from a Bar Owner,I have no doubt that the contempt by this Council for the Bar Owners knows no bounds,and they will lie through their front teeth to get everybody to help them,using every dirty trick they can The only way I will change my mind on who really has ruined the Christmas Fayre,would be if the person who complained,is named.I dont suppose anything will be in writing by the so called complainer,so i wont hold my breathe.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-12 14:22:17 UTC

Andi calm down and take a chill pill. I can honestly say that I did just as well on my Xmas fetes without the music. It will be alright on the day. If people want to support your causes they will come anyway. Best of luck on the day. I am not having any music at my Xmas Fair. Not worth the hassle and worry but, I have got P A system with microphones for sale.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-11-12 16:35:50 UTC

I know Eve, was a bit harsh with what I said but lets be honest does anyone from the bars have any idea what's really going on, NO.
It's been made blatantly clear on the councillors blog that if you don't have the licence don't have live music. Fine, take a sensible approach, as I said does anyone have any idea what is truly going on...
Bars will take the chance with love music because they have to survive and that's the only way they will make a profit.
What else can you say apart from give it enough time and everyone will turn on this current coalition.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-12 16:46:00 UTC

this is all getting out of hand now, soon the urbanisation will be a miserable place to live, no music when one goes out for an evening so I for one will be staying home more as I like to be entertained when I go out.
Senora Alto

Commented Senora Alto in La Marina 2012-11-12 17:00:53 UTC

Senora Alto I agree with you whole heartedly. Both my husband and myself do not go out to bars to drink, Yes we have a drink whilst we are there but we only go out to listen to the music, by music I mean live music. This is certainly going to be a dull place to live and it will not help the spanish economy. No wonder people are flocking back to Britain. All this bureaucracy is getting up every one's nose. Surely our money would be better spent chasing criminals. If the government are going to give in to the moaners then this will carry on. If they were to tell them to stop wasting police resources then surely the complaining will stop. I can understand people moaning about music going on until 4 in the morning, that is understandable, but up until midnight, what is the harm. TYhis is supposed to be a Tourist area not an old people's sanctuary where we have come to die.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-11-12 17:19:26 UTC

Andi, can we have xmas carols, with out a mic, i.e signing with back ground music, let me know

Commented susan in La Marina 2012-11-12 17:36:00 UTC

Sorry Susan could not resist this. How many people can SIGN.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-11-12 17:46:42 UTC

From what I know now Sue that there will be just CD music, Played through big speakers. Will know more tomorrow.
I think all options are open as long as know one is singing through a microphone.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-12 17:50:17 UTC

not to sound nasty but the police are expecting struggling bars to sound proof their properties, why do they not suggest the moaners sound proof their villas, same difference, as I doubt the bar owners can afford to do this any more than the home owners.
Some people cannot stand to hear or see others enjoying themselves in a lot of cases.
I am near enough to the Sports and Social club to hear their outdoor music in summer, it finished at midnight so is no big deal, even though I often go to bed early because of medical condtions.
People want to get a life and stop moaning about others doing so.
Senora Alto

Commented Senora Alto in La Marina 2012-11-12 18:02:43 UTC

Andi and people the likes of you; with all your complaining about music on the urb, it won't be long before you get NO people at your charity raising functions.
No1 there will be nobody left on this urb.
No2 you will have upset all the people that enjoy a social life on this urb (most likely those with some disposable income and therefore most likely to give to charity)
No3 if I found out that music was stopped in any bar because of you contacting the police I would certainly not support that charity, although I have supported that and several other charities in the past.
Given the remarks you have made I feel you are doing more harm than good.
Because of the lack of live music on the urb a crowd of us are off to Benidorm for 2 nights this week, we have also for the first time ever - because of the threatened lack of entertainment - booked 5 nights away over Christmas. If one out of every ten on the urb did this think of the cost to the urb.
Don't get me wrong I will continue to support the bars that have entertainment, but if there is no entertainment regretably I will take my custom elsewhere.
The council and others need to sort this diabolical situation out as a matter of urgency!!

Commented Salty Dog in La Marina 2012-11-12 18:40:16 UTC

Salty Dog.

That is the way you see things that's your choice, just like its your choice to go off the Urb regarding finding entertainment.
After what was put on the councillors blog regarding bars and charities I don't thinking bars will be holding charity events knowing they could get closed down.
It's all a big mess ad the only thing I will agree with you on is that the council need to get a grip urgently

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-12 18:49:24 UTC

I do not know who or what to believe. The latest was that the complaints have been made by the party that lost the election to make the PP look bad.

Commented jaytee in La Marina 2012-11-12 18:50:23 UTC

Dont want to disappoint you Andi,But I remember Jeff saying a year ago,that no MICs and no SPEAKERS outside.It may well be that once again I have misunderstood him,I am sure if I have he will put me straight and call me a liar.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-12 19:00:34 UTC


Check your email

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-12 19:03:25 UTC

Just read your comment,and surprisingly it comes close to mine,Whereas you have heard rumours it was the opposition party
complaining .my idea it was the party in power,who tried for some reason to stop the noise,and when threats didnt work,they used pretend complaints,and when that didnt work the next was bringing valencia into it,Unfortunately for them,people seem to be realising it may not of been Residents of La Marina who were moaning,but the Council or the Opposition,members,both trying to flex muscles,they thought they had.We could be proved wrong if a couple of names of Legitimate complaints from residents and Bar Owners were named

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-12 19:10:53 UTC

Andi, after thing about this I think that the councillors , should donate 15% of there salary to the needy of San fulgencio as they are not helping, charity fund raising. Let see how they like it

Commented susan in La Marina 2012-11-13 14:49:47 UTC

15%? more like 50% and help in the various homes and kennels to experience what real life is.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-11-13 15:06:30 UTC

Senoro Alto, I can see where you are coming from but, like the bars, some of the homeowners are on limited resources and don't have the reserves to soundproof their homes.
I've been doing my research again and now have my first quote in for getting the bar soundproofed. This falls just short of 30,000 Euros and it doesn't include the price of the licence itself. At the moment we are unable to get a figure for this as no one seems to be able to give us a straight answer. It almost sounds like there is no set price for the licence so let's just pluck a figure out of mid air.
As you can see this is completely unobtainable for us. We would have to work the bar for years without an income. It would be like having a 2nd mortgage with nothing to really to show for it! So the choice is clear cut. Give up on the live music and let the business fail or continue as before and keep paying 2,000E a month into the system to keep this urb afloat. I'm not moaning I'm just stating facts.
Any suggestions/comments will be carefully digested. I can half anticipate some that are coming to me, ie, well I should have looked into it before opening the bar!!!
Be honest other bar owners, how many of you could afford this exorbitent amount of money? Put your hands up.
Meanwhile, thank you to all of those that have continued to support us in these bleak times. It is appreciated.

Commented cagneys in La Marina 2012-11-14 12:17:32 UTC

Wonderful piece,perhaps now people have figures to think about,before spouting off ,as if soundproofing is a 10 cent job,As yet you are the only bar owners to of stood your ground and are willing to look at alternatives.Most of all you have stood up and told the truth.Which is more than this pathetic Councilhave done.
I have always jokingly called you the Euro bar,as most of your drinks are just that price,your meals are enjoyable pub grub also very cheaply priced.I have found a way for you to have the necessary work done and pay the so called several thousand euro for apiece of paper.I reckon within 5years you could get your money back.Firstly become a night club,operating until 3.30 am 7 nights a week,have groups of live acts 7 nights a week,of course the public wouldnt object that you would have to double your prices,for drink and food,hire a coach to bring in benidorm type people from nearby towns.Have the coaches arrive at your bar at 7.30pm and not leave until 3.30am.sounds good to me.Except where as now nobody complains because you are an aware, wonderful couple,who respect other peoples peace and quiet by having only 2 sessions a week of music,one of them finishing at 9pm and the other at 11pm,any other things are normally over by 10pm.Obviously at these New times times you will get complaints,but Hey,you would of done exactly what the council want,the council would of got their pint of blood,you would have a successful bar,,But as i said,that is what the council want.Somehow I know it is not what you want,so Ricky and the artists will have to ruin theie voices singing without mics.I really wish you both every success but please dont change your Bar

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-14 14:05:56 UTC

Keep up the good work, Kate.

Commented Squash in San Fulgencio 2012-11-14 14:50:48 UTC

Hi Eve, I just wondered if you had any shifts of work that you need volunteers for as I have lots of spare time that I waste.
I am not much of a morning person, but could make it if the shop does not open until 10 a.m. I also walk the dogs for SATS on a Tuesday afternoon which I would not like to miss.
Let me know, you know I worked for K9 for a long time and left through personal disputes, not anything I did against the charity.
Let me know if you have a shift for me and when. Dee

Commented Senora Alto in La Marina 2012-11-14 15:25:13 UTC

Yes well done for thinking "out of the box" and being a legal bar all we need are the others along with the council to make things work you deserve every success to make your bar a viable business in these dire times unlike others that take short cuts anyone can make money from illegal activities for a time then move on I know I have been there !! look at all those bars around stangeways !

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2012-11-14 15:34:31 UTC

Amazing how the German "Bavarius" can have live music with the doors open, and nothing happens? Is it 1 rule for the German and another for the Britts? So if we all go to Cagneys
and pretend we are German, we will be alright then?

Commented joe in La Marina 2012-11-14 18:14:19 UTC

It's not one rule for one or one for another. The council made a big fluff up, or as would said, they jumped the gun by telling the bars no music.
They were warned by Valencia not told were coming down now and closing bars, WARNED.
All the bars doing live music are doing it because they want to and have to make a living, the national police can come down anytime and do spot checks, the local police patrol the town and know the music goes ahead but as long as its at a sensible noise level they will leave you alone unless a complaint.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-11-14 18:25:38 UTC

"unless a compliant"...were your last words. And you are right! Why in the world are the Britts grassing on the Britts? Why cant everybody get along without back stabbing and grassing each other! In the end, everyone will all suffer, and foriegn bars will get all the trade! Now I've said that, some moron will probably start grassing the foreign bars!!!!

Commented joe in La Marina 2012-11-14 19:11:43 UTC

Joe before we start an anti Brit brigade,
Andi has just said that Valencian never said the National police were coming in to sort out the bar noise,But that is what Jeff said had happened on his Blog on the 5th November and he stated that is what the Mayor told him.So if this was a blatant lie,by this council what is to say that everything else isnt a lie as well.I have been thinking on these lines ,since I asked the council many months ago to breakdown the complaints against bars by residents,into stats of exactly how many different residents complained and how many times each one resident complained,and the same with bar against bar complaints ,how many bars complained and how many times,the council either didnt want those figures known,or had trouble with arithmetic,because I have never received an answer.Needless to say if you believe this council doesnt lie,then i must live on a different planet

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-11-14 19:36:30 UTC

Dee at the moment I have a full compliment of staff with a waiting list of about six people. Also we start work at 9.15 in the morning to enable us to open at 9.30. I will keep your name in mind if anything crops up in the future. Thanks for asking. Eve

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2012-11-15 15:31:26 UTC

no problem Eve, I am helping run a stall for Ekeus next Wednesday and he Wednesday after, and will continue to help them if I can. Let me know if you get a gap in future that I can fill. Dee

Commented Senora Alto in La Marina 2012-11-16 07:25:24 UTC