
Can anyone help me over income tax in Spain vs the UK. My income is around £18000 and I wondered how much of that will I pay in tax living in Spain? At present in England I pay around £1800 in tax on my pensions, would it be similar in Spain.? Also healthcare, do you need private insurance or do they have a health service that is free or is it only part free??


Hi, while I can't comment on your pension question, it would be advisable to carefully look into the healthcare part. The government are trying to make changes here and are saying that anyone who wants to live here now will have to prove they either have a job or enough money to support themselves and are either paying into the system (through employment) or have a private poilcy in place. This has been widely reported in the free english speaking press here, you could check on there sites for articles about it online - Coastrider, Euro Weekly News and Round Town News are probably the best ones to look at. Not sure if this is allowed as part of the european union or not - we'll see. Hope this helps a little

Commented anita7568 in Quesada 2012-11-20 09:53:01 UTC

I think it makes a difference if you are of retirement age or not.

Commented Jim Gallagher in Quesada 2012-11-20 17:32:55 UTC

I am 66 so well into retirement

Commented graham.hall26 in Quesada 2012-11-20 18:27:49 UTC