lies,lies and more lies

To the residents
My name is Paul i am married man with 5 daughters and one son, i am a lady's hair stylist my family as been here for over 25 years some of you have eaten in our bars The bar stop and half sov or even came to our family home The ponda Rosa for Sunday lunch. I am the man that grabbed your vice president for watching my kids i have warned this man twice to stay away from my children, once out side my house where i was cooking dinner for the 3 baby's on the day we moved in he was at my front gate asking my children ? about me and the children's mother, i came to the door to be told “move your car” “i know you rent from leeja`s” and “i don't care if he is your mate move your car” or i will be towed and i would have to pay the cost..Welcome to your new house i thought and told him to stay away from me and my family, if this man is your vice president why did he not knock on my front door say hi and give me a list of the do`s and don't instead of asking my children. Then i have letters put on my car i even walked out when the president was walking away from my car he sow me and jumped in his car a drove off with out a hi or good bye low in ever way,more threats of me being towed this time i was unloading my car from the week shop.Still i don't have a list of do`s and don't.My children have been told they cant ride they bikes outside my house,they can`t play with a ball outside these are baby's who have just moved to Spain and its all new to them and being watched by the presidents little spy's is disgusting.

What happened at the swimming pool was no more then a dad telling a man AGAIN to stay away from his children i followed him round the swimming pool and when he did look up and sow me the swimming pool side of the fence his face went red and he turned to go back to the other 3 men that was watching my children from the roof of the house where at one point there was no men then there was one 10 mins later 2 men and then the president turned up just to watch my children swim !! i went back to my children rapped them up in they big towels told my ten year old to cover her chest as she swims topless this is how these men made me feel and my ten year old, we came out of the swimming pool and has we was walking down the vice president made a comment so i let go of 2 year old grabbed him round the neck pushed against swimming pool wall and told him to stay away from my children next time i will give him a hiding and then let go,never did i once knee him or hit him he had no marks and walked to his 3 buddies on the roof shouting “you sow that we got him”..some peeps was shouting at me and i did tell them to go fuck them self's and if they had some thing to say stand up like a man and knock on my door, this i know maybe was a bit hot headed but this how these men made me feel,one even told my 10 year old i was going to jail for what i had done. Now this made my daughter cry not me having go at vice president and it is my daughter that has to now cover her self up when she go`s swimming in our pool because of this and his friends not my action. I know my action was wrong to grab the man but it was a dads reaction nothing more i am nearly 50 years of age and i have never been arrested for a violence on another person.

We went home and i got in the bath with my 6 year old and my son Harry 20 mins later there's a knock on the door and out side my house is 3 police local cars,1 garda and an ambulance over 10 policemen and ambulance crew for me for grabbing this man nothing more the 2 garder walked in my house after Fran invited them in they came in to my bath room sow me washing my kids hair asked if there had been a problem and i said yes they asked me to get out the bath and come outside when i did come outside and sow what was outside my home i was shocked how there so called president and his crew had called up for nothing more then a warning, i told the police what had happened and they got hold of the president and the vice and asked for they documents,my children was taken in by our next door neighbour who just that week the vice president had threatened her with a tow away and when i walked out my house he sculled away. The police asked Me if i wanted to press charges and i said no i was told to apologies to the man and i did the president came at me 3 times in front of the police and was told to stay away from me, even when the men in green got in they car he came at me again telling me he will be down to see me one of the policemen got out the car and told him to go home Now.

Since this happened it has gone round i beat up an old man and they are going to get me invicted from our home and so many peeps that know my family have told me once they want you out you will be out.How can these men do this to me and my family, there is no law in Spain that can make me do this but they think they can tin pot soldiers who YOU have gave them the power to do this by making our life's hell. I am now being charged because these peeps got together and made up the worst lies that any one could and went to the green men with they statement's they all match so well or has the police told me to well they have been out on a witch hunt smearing my name and asking peeps to lie to get me out. Seems they little plane as back fired as now i have peeps that sow what happened and even they think i acted in the wrong way they know i never laid any blows to this man.

Why have these resigned from they post if they think they are in the right why have i been stopped in the street by peeps telling me the man had to go to hospital but there are no records and why are peeps who sow what happed wont lie for these so called men.

I am sorry for my action on this day and it is total not me, is i have caused any of you any grief thou this i am sorry for that to and the gentlemen i swore at this i hang my head but if i sow this man near my children again i would act the same, think what you would do if it was your children or even your grandchildren how would you reacted. I have come here to live after getting over an accident i had while i was working as a deep sea diver where i got an embolism to my brain it knocked me and my family for six.

La Marina

You all seem to be on drugs in La Marina. For anyone just reading this forum, Quesada is a lovely community where bar owners seem to get on with each other and is usually a friendly place. There's about three charity shops that dont slag each other off. There's always gossip, but not published on a forum.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-17 15:10:39 UTC

Unfortunately Marko, this forum seems to have changed from a site for the giving and receiving of information to one where you can air your personal differences. I can only liken it to a script from the Jeremy Kyle show. I live in La Marina but think I will leave this forum and join the Quesada one if you will have me please xx

Commented Myra Davis in La Marina 2013-07-17 15:45:23 UTC

Sorry Myra, but you're barred just from coming from La Marina (plus, I don't know what the Quesada forum is called)

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-17 16:06:58 UTC

It says a lot when people stick up for and defend a person who bullies children and cant be man enough to speak to the the person direct. I'm sure that was mild reaction compared to what a lot of fathers would of done.

Plus... i don't have a problem with people defending themselves on this site.

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2013-07-17 16:08:33 UTC

Marko it does seem that way but you must remember it is only a few people in La Marina who are like that. Overall it is a very nice place to live.
Paul I´m sorry for you, really, I know there are people like the ones you mention who don't like children or animals or anybody who makes any noise whatsoever. They are very set in their ways and you doing that just gave them the excuse they wanted to try to evict you from your property. You need to try to at least talk to the people involved directly, not through this forum, this may be difficult I know, but other than that you must try to ignore them and get on with your life, make sure your children are well behaved around the communal areas and I'm sure in time these people will leave you alone whatever you do don't retaliate to anything they may try to do to you and if you feel really intimidated by them then you too need to get the police involved as you can always denounce them too, but you need to get evidence that they are harassing you then the police can warn them too to stay away from you and your family. Good luck with it all and I hope things work out for you.

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2013-07-17 16:14:50 UTC

It makes it look like La Marina is full of half bat nutters well some of them are

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-07-17 16:21:05 UTC

Itsmemw, I'm not sticking up for anyone. I just couldn't work out the original comment. Now I've put it through the Star Wars Jedi translator, I'm assuming some bloke has shouted at kids for enjoying themselves by a pool and the parent didn't like it and therefore an argument ensued. There used to be a saying of 'Act your age and not your shoe size' all grown ups need to take note.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-17 16:30:25 UTC

too true

Commented Negotiator in La Marina 2013-07-17 16:39:56 UTC

Marco..... sorry, my comment wasn't aimed at you... i was referring to the people tatscfc was referencing to..

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2013-07-18 07:32:26 UTC

you should be ashamed of your actions!!!!! this is a kind gentle man hat cares about everyone in his community,.. what you did was
disgusting and I hope you are punished for your attack on this man!!!

Commented jhbgzulu in San Fulgencio 2013-07-18 16:25:56 UTC

Who was that one aimed at? When will people realise the power of the internet and reflect on people just reading this forum. La Marina comes across as a very sad community where they don't like visitors enjoying themselves. I know its not true, but just read all the comments.

Commented marko in Quesada 2013-07-18 17:44:28 UTC

this was aimed at the letter lies lies lies.... he attacked a friend of mine physically. the whole letter is a pack of lies!!

Commented jhbgzulu in San Fulgencio 2013-07-18 18:02:34 UTC

This place cannot be the sad place you are referring to.
You pop over every day from Quesada to tell us what we should be saying, thinking and doing.
Quite why, many of us are wondering?

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2013-07-18 19:14:16 UTC

Film him and get has much evidence has you can, including witnesses and go to the Police

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2013-07-19 05:49:26 UTC

Well said Marko, I'm sick of some of the comments on here. This will be my last 'look in' of the forum, everyone who airs their dirty washing are putting people off coming to La Marina, so shut up and stop putting things on here that should be kept to yourselves. I don't want to know who's shagging who, or who's bashing someone else......give it up now or else risk losing the half decent name La Marina still has.

Commented Vicky in La Marina 2013-07-19 22:06:48 UTC

Well said .

Commented bluesboytoby in La Marina 2013-07-20 16:15:30 UTC