Live Music

Hi Everyone - My husband and I are coming over to the Urb just for a week - this weekend 1st-7th October. Can anyone recommend any live music events on during this time? We don't have that much money to spend I'm afraid but are willing to try any genre! Many thanks! PS Nikki we are SO sorry to hear about your kitten and will lkeep our eyes peeled for you as we'll be doing a lot of walking round this time (saving on car hire) Really hope he comes home safe! xxx

Try the Fiesta in the Village for Saturday night. In the large Marquee behind the theatre, there is a live performance of Los Supersingles and an Acrobatic Dance troupe called Flip Flap

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-09-28 12:31:51 UTC

Many thanks Jeff! xxx

Commented Andrea&Kev in La Marina 2011-09-28 20:47:38 UTC

Hi Andrea & Kev,
If you look on the events page for the first week in October you will see the Hogs Head have live entertainment on Saturday and Thursday. This is a new bar only recently opened and proving to be a great success here on the Urb. Good food also. The bar is situated near to Consum supermarket, just down the steps to the right. Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!

Commented Rene in La Marina 2011-09-28 21:53:24 UTC