What's On - December 16th, 2016


Tanartorio Cremetorio Callosa - Cox

Hosted and organized by GRUPO ASV Funeral Services. – hand in hand.

Honouring our loved one’s memory is very important. Anyone who has lost someone dear to them will know this. We always want to remember them and carry them in our hearts.

GRUPO ASV Funeral Services would like to help the expat community to commemorate and celebrate our loved one’s life, remembering everything they were to us.

For this reason, GRUPO ASV Funeral Services would like to invite you to the first CELEBRATION OF LIFE MEMORIAL SERVICE on the Costa Blanca for the expat community, which will be hosted on December 16th, at 12:00pm, at Tanatorio Crematorio Callosa – Cox in Callosa de Segura (Alicante).

Through uplifting words and with musicians playing beautiful music with favourites from Simon and Garfunkel and Eva Cassidy, we will come together at Christmastime to cherish and honour the memory of our loved ones. All denominations and beliefs can enjoy the beauty of the service. There will be a special balloon release and refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Please come and join us at this, the very first memorial of its kind for the expat community (in English) in the Vega Baja.

Please support us by coming along, alone or with friends and family so we can make it a success and hopefully an annual event. Please confirm your attendance and the total number of people in your party by calling to the following telephone number: 966 776 176 or by email to [email protected] – Subject: Attendance confirmation.

(The ceremony is approx. 30mins followed by refreshments)