kitten found

Last night (20th Nov) around 11pm I found a small black kitten (8/10weeks) meowing outside the old don carlos, it then proceeded to follow me all the way home to Dona Pepe (close to the consum-lidl).

Has anyone lost this cat?

does anyone want it?

[email protected]



What a pity the small kitten has got lost, I hope you find the owner. If not I suppose the best would be to take it to the local animal shelter,(there is one in Quesada) unless you want to keep it? I hope your story has a happy ending!

Commented pamela de Jager in Quesada 2011-11-21 22:04:03 UTC

Hi Anonymous, I would love to keep her, already doing her business in the correct place in my house and just seems to eat sleep and purr. I'd love to keep her but I travel abroad for work often and have noone to look after her.
Where is the animal shelter??

Commented alistair in Quesada 2011-11-22 09:12:36 UTC