Bus service from La Marina to Guardamar

Can someone tell me the times and where to get a bus from La Marina Urb to Guardamar?
Wednesday is the day I am particularly interested in.

The tourist information office has up-to-date bus timetables, but last year it use to get to the bus stop by the satellite roundabout at 20 past the hour, one side of the road goes to Guardamar and the other way to Elche.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2013-05-07 16:41:09 UTC

Thanks Linda, I will check it out at the tourist info office.

Commented Lamarinar in La Marina 2013-05-07 18:55:41 UTC

Depending on where you are on the Urb, there is a bus to Guardamar that stops outside Zafira Estate Agents, near the English butcher by the Grey area at around 12 oclock, it also stops near the Sports Centre and also the slip road opposite Smart Properties possibly 3 / 4 minutes later. There is an earlier bus into Guardamar but not sure of the time. Allow 10 minutes either way, they seem to have their own agenda. The bus leaves Guardamar at dead on 3.15p.m. or the later one at 6p.m.. Hope this helps.

Commented Rene in La Marina 2013-05-07 19:06:42 UTC