My mum and dad were burgled last night while they slept. Luckily they never woke up and are safe but have lost quite a few items. Please make sure all your windows are secure as these people are desperate for money.

La Marina

Bastards need a good kicking and branding so that all can see, I am not a violent person but for them I can make an exception

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-07-07 17:57:31 UTC

Sorry to hear this,how did they actually get in?

Commented andersontiling in La Marina 2013-07-08 06:18:11 UTC

They had one window without a reja on it but it is above a carport and they have high walls around the garden too. If anyone has windows without rejas I would strongly suggest fitting alarms to the windows to stop this happening to them. My parents are now frightened in their own home.

Commented mummymia in La Marina 2013-07-08 07:01:57 UTC