Pets in Spain = Charity?

Hi all, I'm relatively new to the area and was looking for a way to come out and meet people and get involved with the community. I noticed that there is an event going on next Monday in aid of "Pets in Spain" and "Paws Animal Rescue." Pets in Spain describe this as a "charity" event on their website, and they even seem to accept "donations" via the website, but there's nothing to suggest that "Pets in Spain" is actually a registered charity. Is it normal for organisations in Spain to promote themselves in this way? If so, what guarantee do I have that my money is going towards the cause advertised and not lining someone's back pocket?

Any advice appreciated!


Welcome to the forum,The first thing to do to try to find out if the money you donate to a charity,I think would be to telephone the number on the website for any details you require,If you are not satisfied then try the town hall for the information,If you are still not satisfied ,the easy answer is dont donate to them.
Sorry if this is not the answer you need,but you are the second new person to have come on this sight in the last few days,to require a way of finding out if charities are in fact not charities but con artistes trying to make a buck.
I have been reading this forum since it started,and have never seen a query on a charity status and suddenly it gets two in a few days.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-19 16:54:05 UTC

Ted. ( if that's your real name, I suspect not)
I believe your about to create world war 3 between people and charities now. If its nots bad enough certain charities are being dragged through the mud as it is. There are quite a few groups in the area that aren't registered charities but they still do a good job in raising money for what there groups support. I've wondered do groups pay taxes on what they raise but in the end it's all for right reasons as long as like you say, tnothong is going in there back pockets but, you me an the public will never know, we just take it at face value for what's being done.
I'm not going to be negative about this comment but as long as I ain't slating no one I'm good

Alan I've come to the conclusion that this is and has been started by someone or some people that are either have some form of jealousy towards charities doing well and just want to ruin a good name or, there very bored people.
I think it's time someone from the council made a statement on this.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-03-19 16:59:21 UTC

Hi TED Welcome to the La-Marina Forum. Hope to see you up here taking part. Could we please ak you to register your name or you will keep coming up as Anonymous To do this Go in to SETTINGS (at the bottom of the page)- Click in and look at the top section to make sure that your Password is in that section. Then the next BOX down is where you place your name. Then go to the bottom and save. Its that easy. You have already done the part that a lot find hard to do that being the Photo Avatar operation

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-03-19 18:20:05 UTC

Hola Ted,

Pets in Spain, Paws Animal Rescue, K9 & S.A.T's are all charities who do fantastic work here.

I do not know if the first 3 have registered no.'s but I am sure they do, but I do no that S.A.T.'s does.

Check out their web page and it would be nice to see you coming to help walk the rescued / abandoned dogs.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-03-19 19:26:03 UTC

SATs, Debra (Butterfly's), K9 and Impact Charity are the only legally registered charities on the Urb. PAWs and Pets in Spain are not registered, they are groups that ask for donations and funds. It is very unlikely that they pay taxes as they are not registered charities.

I am not putting this on here out of spite but we all deserve to know the truth.

Commented Brenda in La Marina 2012-03-19 21:02:21 UTC

Concerned Member of the Public, if that is your name or are you too shy? embarassed? afraid? to admit being human with a proper name. Why have you bothered yourself to go to all that trouble to find out which charities are licensed, and why are you so concerned ?. You say " I am not putting this on here out of spite but we all deserve to know the truth " WHY? Surely you must have some faith in your fellow race to act in a decent manner. I for one could not care less if a charity which is doing good work is licenced or not, " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Innocent till proven guilty. I could go on and on but I still don't believe I could convince you to Leave these do gooders alone.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-19 21:47:08 UTC

Well Robert, what about system and rules ? They are there to make sure that people have someone to answer to. What is being said is that maybe people are trying to mislead others by saying they are a charity when in fact they are not. They have no control placed upon them but are hiding behind a banner. And we should care and we should ask as its our right to do so. Others have posted on this site that the organizations are registered but there is now a suggestion that this is wrong.

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-03-19 22:07:16 UTC

Tina you wrote " but there is now a suggestion that this is wrong" why not wait till it is fact, then one can act, if needs must.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-19 22:32:56 UTC

Hi Ted
I am the organiser of the event that you are talking about and assure you that, apart from taking out the money that it costs me for the printing of the posters and the tickets, ALL the money goes to the charity. In just over a year I have handed over almost €3000 to PAWS Animal Rescue from 3 events. As Pets in Spain is doing a fantastic job too, we decided to include them in the fundraising.
I am absolutely gobsmacked that you could infur that it is lining my back pocket and comments like that do nothing to make me want to continue doing the fundraising.
3 of the PAWS fosterers, myself included, have had special pens built onto our properties to look after the foster cats at costs of more than a 100€ each and all of this has come out of our own pockets - we have never asked for anything in return.
We are kind hearted people who are doing what we can for the poor animals over here. HOW DARE YOU suggest otherwise.
I hope that you don't already have tickets for my show as we don't really need suspicious nasty minded people like yourselves involved. Good luck with meeting people and getting involved with the community - you have made a fantastic first impression. I think you can tell I am a little annoyed!!!

My name is Michelle, by the way!!!

Commented Michelle in La Marina 2012-03-20 16:42:22 UTC


I understand what you're saying, and I do not agree with how Ted put it. As you are not a registered charity does that mean that you do not pay taxes on any money that you receive?
If not then how does it go through the right channels without a committee of some sorts.
Whilst I agree that raising money for good causes is great and something everyone should try to do I just believe that this should be done properly and in the correct way and th same for everyone.

Commented Brenda in La Marina 2012-03-20 17:15:06 UTC

I will state on this link the same as i said on another link dealing with the same subject,The whole idea of subjecting charities to the kind of slating as has been done on the past few days is ludicrous,not one word has prooved that thieving is going on,so to those who think it has gone on Put Up Or Shut Up,you are only hurting the people and animals who these charities help and just as bad hurting the heroes and heroines who work in these charity shops and those who organise other ways to fund the projects.
You have all had your 15 minutes of fame,so what about thinking of something else you can give your opinion on.that we can all enjoy reading about and answering
As for the tax angle get a life,in truth all those who want all taxes to be paid be careful because i can guarantee someone close to you may well be under paying,if they told you about it would you name and shame them on this forum,I would lay odds you would say no
So come on change the record

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-20 17:51:12 UTC

I can assure you that PAWS Animal Rescue has a committee. The money raised is used to pay vet bills for the animals that we help - we keep accounts that you are free to see if you are that worried. As far as taxes go, are you serious?
Tell you what, we will stop doing what we do and go back to an urbanisation full of abandoned and ill animals multiplying and then you will be complaining about that. I am absolutely speechless!!
By the way, if anyone who is not happy about me putting on these events to raise money to help these poor animals would like to meet me face to face to discuss further...... no, I thought not!

Commented Michelle in La Marina 2012-03-20 18:30:38 UTC

Alan you keep saying the word charity in your last comment but is the question not "are PAWs and Pets a charity"?

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-03-20 18:34:40 UTC

For goodness sake, we are raising money for the animals - what is the problem. Is charity not helping others?

Commented Michelle in La Marina 2012-03-20 19:02:20 UTC

Michelle I am with you 100% and think what you are doing is fantastic job, and you are right charity is helping others, but a Alan is going on about "being a charity" and that is a registered organisation. The two are very different.

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-03-20 19:12:51 UTC

O.K.some people do not want this subject to cease,I use charity in the way it is described in a dictionery.
Something I luckily was taught at home many years ago,basically it is doing something for someone without reward.that is exactly what the people are doing,You know exactly what i meant,but again for some vindictive idea to choose to put a slanted angle on it to serve your inane thoughts.
Luckily, you moaners, are by far in the minority,which is lucky for us the vast majority that we will never need you

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-03-20 19:33:31 UTC

Alan please do not try to be cleaver these are the wordings your used.

"subjecting charities" "these charities" "these charity shops"

Maybe you did not learn to use your dictionary very well, even more so as you can not spell it.

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-03-20 19:48:53 UTC

Thank you Tina and Alan - we do our best and it can be extremely hard at times but we do it because we love the animals. I appreciate your comments x

Commented Michelle in La Marina 2012-03-20 20:02:13 UTC

Cleaver? cleaver, I always thought was some kind of sharp object for cutting up dead meat. bet Tina alters the spelling too late, spotted !!!! along with single o in to should be too

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-20 20:14:38 UTC

Hope Christian Fellowship is a new church in La Marina and the week a good place to meet new people it meets regularly on sundays and in homes
weekly Avenida, De Antonia, Just down from main market area Contact 622 919 604

Commented Dave in La Marina 2012-03-20 21:16:38 UTC

As we have been informed that some people are getting very upset about this subject, and to be honest it has now run it's course, any more posts on this subject will be deleted.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-03-20 21:49:41 UTC

how sad that people who are helping to help these sad animals have to go to war with people who dom't respect what they do. It's horrible

Commented mazza in La Marina 2012-03-21 00:46:11 UTC

Thank you Carol and admin.
Let's keep this forum a happy one. By all means comment but DON'T accuse or make snide unfounded accusations.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-03-21 06:54:51 UTC