Holiday Rental

3 bed 1 bath Julia Quad avaiable for holiday rental, some dates still available for this year.
Fully equiped with english Tv and private splash pool, as well as use of communal pool.
5 minutes walk to the consum square and local bars and resturants.
July, Aug, begining sept, Xmas and New Year €350 per week
All other weeks €250
On arrival an additional €50 payable for the cleaning on your departure.
Pictures of the villa are available. Anyone interested please contact me on
[email protected] or call- 0034 965 077 225

La Marina

Hi nikki ken brown here from cornish pride i would like to know if you or anybody you know, can recommend anyone who travels back and forward to U.K on a regular basis, i am looking for someone to bring 4-5 boxes over to la marina from scotland my phone no is 618460523, thank you.

Commented ken brown in La Marina 2012-06-17 12:15:55 UTC