Thank you all!

Al From Temptations.
After reading the posts so far from this morning, I want to thank you all for the over-whelming support in trying to name & shame these few born complainers. I accept your apology Andi & as you may know by now, I'm not one to believe in the rumours that are circulated here on the Urb. almost on a daily basis. I will respond when a message is delivered to me from a reliable source with a warning against my livlihood & my family. I have just read the message from Cagneys & I am really sorry that you have had to cancel your entertainment. As you have responded to this warning in the only way you can to remain in business, I have a feeling this is just the start of unfortunate things to come at the expense of all of the bar owners here. You & Ricky deserve better than this as we all work too darn hard for this to be happening. I too, have told one member of my staff not to come in this weekend as I do not think this will be busy enough due to lack of entertainment offered because of a few selfish gitts that hide behind their pens. What are they afraid of? Owning up to their selfish complaints & being banned from every bar & restaurant here? Of course they are! If we are successful in naming these habitual complainers, I will post a notice at Temptations that they will NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, be allowed in our premises. I hope all the other businesses will do the same.
Again, thanks everyone for your words of encouragement. We will keep trying to put some type of solution to this serious problem but we NEED your help in finding out who these nasty people are. We hope they find a more suitable place to live out their miserable existance.

Thank you, Al for your kind words. You and Sue, as bar owners, understand that running a bar is not a cushy job as some people think. It is 24/7. Cagneys now closes all day Monday but Rick & I are still in the bar behind closed shutters preping up, cleaning, changing beds etc then we go shopping for the bar and do the laundry so it is full on. It's just a pity that there are a few that don't understand what goes into running a bar and are only interested in pleasing themselves and running us down. I agree with what you have said 100%. We have to get through this. I also understand what others are saying about the possibility of scaremongering by the nationales. It could be true but at the same time I'm not prepared to risk the 3000 Euro fine that my solicitor has warned me about. Ricky and I worked 123 continuous days over the summer without a break. Yes, we were able to put a few pennies away but I'll be damned if I am going to hand our hard earned money over to the nationales in a fine because of these selfish residents. No chance.

Commented cagneys in La Marina 2012-11-02 15:34:37 UTC