A.A.N. Charity Fete & Fashion Show

Hi all,

As some of you might know, the A.A.N. charity held a Fete & Fashion show, outside the Charity's shop (beneath the Ray & Linda's laundry in Plaza Sierra Castilla, Urb. La Marina) last Sunday (11th May 2014), from which we raised the fantastic sum of 609.50€.

We would like to thank all those who turned up to support this event, and especially the Stall Holders who turned up to sell their wares, the AAN volunteers who manned the shop and AAN stalls, all the fabulous models and Jimmy Deane for the music. Also a huge thank you to Pauline & Janet for all their hard work in organising the event and making it a huge success.

We would also like to thank Tom for producing a video presentation of the Fashion Show, which can be found on "You Tube" by clicking on the link below:


(N.B. - Please note that as this is recorded in HD, you might experience problems opening the video on I-Pad's etc, but it does work fine on PC's or similar.)

We hope that you enjoy the video (it's about 7 minutes long), and please help us to get the word around about our work by "sharing" this video on any social media sites that you might belong to.

Next week, members of the committee will be going out to purchase approximately another €1,000.00 worth of food, which will be handed to the Urbanisation Office, for further distribution. Thank you once again for your continued support in this worthwhile cause.

All the best,

Peter Prior
on behalf of the A.A.N. committee