Democracy? Is it alive or dead?

My name is Samantha Hull and I work as an Asesora to Councillor Jeff Wiszniewski. After reading some of the untrue and unfair comments written on this forum and after being asked to do so by many members of our municipality, I have decided, with the backing of my party, the PIPN, to start posting and answering questions here on the forum if I am so allowed.

ASL has stated that the PIPN are not permitted to post on this forum. I ask them why? If we live in a democratic country, the voices of all the people should be heard. I have never posted on this site either as myself or under a pseudonym and therefore I presume no such discrimination will be forthcoming.

I believe this is a good thing, however, be prepared for some nasty people hiding behind names, making false allegations, asking questions that will no way relate to the next election.

Commented electioncampaign in La Marina 2014-10-14 10:41:33 UTC

Sam look out, that's all I'm saying. I can understand why but there are some pretty malicious and vindictive people on here. I'm sure I'm not alone and wish you well and also welcome to ASL

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-10-14 10:50:21 UTC

Totally agree with election campaign & weejohn what you start on here as good positive thread ends up being twisted into & malicious nastyness from people that know absolutely nothing with comments that have no proof or backing or even truth, just look at my thread below .

Commented Dell in La Marina 2014-10-14 11:13:13 UTC

Go for it, If I trust one person to tell me the truth it is you.
But heed the warnings from a couple of other comments, You will be cannon fodder, just don't let it get to you, chances are one or two people have it in for you already, hopefully you are aware of them already

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-14 12:07:21 UTC

Hello Sam Hull

Jeff was offered the use of this forum as a platform to inform the people of LA Marina what was going on in the area, he decided that he did not need the site and set up his own blog to pass on Important information.
I am sure if you ask him he will give you more information as to the emails passed between him and the site.
As Jeff has his own information page we recomend that he uses it now to get votes, and not this forum.

Commented Support in Alicante 2014-10-14 16:09:02 UTC

Got to say never heard of a person being banned from writing on a forum. before they have had the chance to say anything except ";Please may I write on your Forum`"",
it takes all sorts.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-14 16:37:04 UTC

Hello Alan
Check again the reply and you will see that Sam nor Jeff have been banned from the forum.
It has been simply stated that as Jeff did not feel the need to use this site to inform people of what was going on in the area but set up his own blogg/webpage to do this then he should now use it to get votes.

Commented Support in Alicante 2014-10-14 16:43:49 UTC

Slight confusion here, Are Sam or Jeff or PIPN allowed to post questions or Answers on this forum.
We had a discussion a little while ago, and at the end of it it seemed that you were saying that comments from that group (PIPN) would not be allowed on this forum.
Today I read Sams first comment on this forum, and it appeared that she also was under the impression that she was banned.
I realize that I may of misread everything, but we need clarification of what is allowed and what isn't.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-14 17:04:37 UTC

Yes Alen we understand that the situation needs to be explained

Jeff and his party have never used this site to inform people what was going on as Jeff did not feel it was worth the time or effort so set up his own page.
We know that some people were taking the time to copy this information and add it to the site.
No one is banned Sam or Jeff but we will not allow them to use this site to promote their party or get votes.
Sams first post contained nothing that we felt would help Jeff as she was simply asking what she could or could not do.
We ae surprised that Jeff or a member of his party did not decide to contact us directly to see what the situation is.
But just to confirm anything that is thought to be of benefit to Jeff and his party will be removed, our advise is to use his blog to get his messages across to the voter as he has been doing for the last few years

Commented Support in Alicante 2014-10-14 17:12:28 UTC

You have made it clearer than it was, I am not too sure how you will react if someone puts a question on here, that leads to an answer that may make PIPN seen in a better light, will you delete that question. as the answer may be seen as electioneering.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-14 17:26:18 UTC

It's a good question Alan and the best answer is we will have to decide when that happens, from what we have seen there is little chance of anything being said that will put this party in a good light.

Commented Support in Alicante 2014-10-14 17:32:15 UTC

The one thing or person that can put PIPN in a good light is a Lady named Sam.
Mind you that is a personal opinion

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-14 18:09:41 UTC

If that's the case it's a shame she did not or was allowed to post on the forum years ago.

Commented Support in Alicante 2014-10-14 18:11:24 UTC

Dear ASL,

I would like to refer to a few of the comments you have made.

a) I quote from “Support” in Quesada last night … “Hello Alan, Check again the reply and you will see that neither Sam nor Jeff have been banned from the forum”

2 weeks ago Team ASL “A Spanish Life” posted the following. “… the way Jeff has behaved towards this site and local people over the years, ……. we will not allow him to use the forum now”

b) I quote from Support in Quesada last night … “… Jeff did not feel the need to use this site to inform people of what was going on in the area but set up his own blog/website to do this then he should now use it to get votes.” “ .. anything that is thought to be of benefit to Jeff and his party will be removed …”

3 months ago Team ASL “A Spanish Life” cut and pasted Jeff´s blog regarding a meeting with bar owners from Consum, the summer fiesta, a cultural trip to Tabarca and the Heroes Awards of San Fulgencio all of which we organised.

This blog has received over 24,000 hits and is also linked to our facebook pages.

Are other political parties with their own blogs/websites, who have never used this forum as a “platform to inform the residents of important matters”, allowed to post comments on A Spanish Life?

c) I quote from a posting by Team ASL “A Spanish Life” two weeks ago. “… We also think he (Jeff) is posting on here under a different name or getting a member of his staff to do it for him …”

Please can you provide proof of this accusation?

The reason for my coming onto this forum is to clarify certain things that are posted here and in other places and that on many occasions incorrect. I feel it is unfair that people are confused by hearsay and untruths. There are also many Spanish and Townhall laws that need to be explained.

For example, there was recently a comment stating that members of the opposition councillors should be allowed to attend the “Juntas de Gobierno”. These are the internal Government team meetings and Spanish law states that they can only be attended by the Mayor and the Deputies to the Mayor. As such, opposition members are not legally permitted to attend.

If this comment is “allowed to be posted” I would appreciate ASL also posting the guidelines that would “allow” me to continue doing so. As I am a little confused as how giving the people of our municipality the best information would show neither me nor my “party in a good light”.

Commented samhull05 in La Marina 2014-10-15 11:36:29 UTC

In answer to your questions

1. Jeff is not banned, he will not be allowed to use the site to promote him or his party as he has stated before he would never use the site, at no time has the word banned been used.

2. Yes we did copy information from Jeff's site as he was not prepared to do it himself we felt in the interest of local people that we would take it upon our selfs to do this, in the hope that Jeff would then do the same.

Your blog has received 24,000 hits, well that should show you how few people look at it.

Please read our words correctly WE THINK is not an "accusation" and if it was ?

It's amazing that only now you decide to start telling people what is going on and you feel that you have important information to share.
How long have you been in power.

You say that your website has had 24,000 hits well as stated before use it to get votes and the message across.
But to give you some idea this site and the other forums would get 24,000 hits in less than a few days.


What guide lines are there for you to promote yourselves on this site NONE you will not be allowed to promote your party or Jeff.
Yes this post will be left on the site as it does noting but show that you are only now interested in votes and have never been interested in doing the job of informing the people of the area as to what is going on over the last three years.

Commented Support in Alicante 2014-10-15 11:56:06 UTC

Many thanks to you and your team for answering my questions and for leaving this posting here on your forum.

At no time have I stated that this is any form of campaign or to get votes for my party. Every day we attend to many people in the office and for a long time, residents of San Fulgencio have been asking us to join this well visited forum to clarify issues that are important to them. As you can imagine, our team is incredibly busy but we continue to try and do what the people ask of us. This is my reason for joining now.

Once again, many thanks to ASL.

Commented samhull05 in La Marina 2014-10-15 12:15:25 UTC