Mini heatwave assails Spain over first weekend of September

By Wednesday the heat will be abating and the country returning to more normal temperature levels

In spite of this being the first weekend of September, conditions of atmospheric instability will lead to a major episode of late summer high temperatures which will affect the majority of the regions of Spain between the 3rd and 8th September.

On Saturday and Sunday temperatures rose right across Spain and are expected to reach 38/40ºC in areas of the south-western quadrant of Spain, 36/39ºC in the central area of the Ebro Valley and Valencia Region and 34/36ºC in the El Duero Valley and central –southern areas of Galicia on Sunday afternoon and Monday.

On Monday and Tuesday temperatures will fall in the Ebro Valley and climb in the north-west of Spain, and it is probable that they will continue to rise in the southern-central areas of the Spanish peninsula, exceeding 40ºC in areas such as the Guadalquivir Valley, the Tajo and Guadiana Valleys.

It is probable that temperatures will start to fall noticeably across the west of Spain on Wednesday, a fall which will become generalised on Thursday.
